Game Interface: Vehicle Controls

Navigating Your Host Station

Survey the area surrounding from your Host Station—from both the bridge and the several gun turrets—and then take aim and fire as necessary. Host Stations can be navigated with the joystick, keyboard, and mouse controls.

For information on how to beam your Host Station to a different sector, see Game Interface: Squadron Manager: Beaming Your Host Station.

To Joystick Keyboard Mouse
Adjust view and/or aim left/right Move joystick left/right Press LEFT ARROW/RIGHT ARROW Move mouse left/right
Adjust view and/or aim up/down Move joystick back/forward Press DOWN ARROW/UP ARROW Move mouse back/forward
Cycle through gun turrets and back to bridge view   Press F6 repeatedly  

Tips for Microsoft SideWinder Joystick Owners

Turn your gun turrets faster: Move the joystick in the direction you wish to turn while twisting the rudder control in the same direction. Use this advantage whenever you are being overwhelmed by fast-moving enemy aircraft.

Joystick Controls
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Keyboard Controls
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Mouse Controls
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